
Do you afraid of death? Liberty aint come free!

I, have trouble deal with the way I want to live my life later on, the thought in my mind goes from extreme to another, but it never calms down.

I'm a very lucky guy, I'm fortunate enough to be in a country that I don't have to worry about my life being in control of tyranny, like China communist party. I work a pretty high end job, I might pay more tax next year than someone's whole year income.

But I'm unhappy, because my people is suffering the consequence of not yet matured democracy system. I am a Taiwanese which don't have a country of our own, but live in that specific island for over 10 thousands years. Are we repeating the sad history of Jews? They drift almost entire history time until recently to build their own country in 1948, how unbelievable is that? Does there anyone in the world dare to say that Israel is not a country and tried to aim 1400 missile at them? If not, how come Taiwan is not a country?

Israel will have probably around 7.2 million from the data on wikipedia, in Taiwan, we have 23 million population, if Israel have enough people to defend them self against whole and richest Arabian countries, how can Taiwan not be able to stand up againt China's ambitious take over plan?

I can have a very happy life and ignore whatever happen to Asia, or say, to Taiwan. I can live happily here in Canada and just try to stay away from anything that related to Taiwan. But do I have to do this? Do I actually have anyway to avoid Chinese my entire life? When can I say proudly that I'm a Taiwanese or Formosan for whatever country Taiwanese should decide to build. When can I have no doubt to give my precious and happy life to defend my people and my people's liberty against any tyranny?

It's very difficult, there are too many conflict thought, the premature democracy, the KMT dominated media and press(some channel are revealed that are 100% China invested). How can I fight for such a controversial people that they say they are an independent country but in fact they want anything and everything except being slaughtered again like in February 28, 1947. They just recently realized that even if we haven't been govern by PRC ever, we will still suffer from the dark side of humanity if we actually walk too close to them, for example, the recent tainted milk from China scandal.

The tainted milk scandal is a global one, do you fear of Chinese product? Imagine how every government backed off before in economic negotiation? In a world trading model we have now, do you think you can eat safely and depends on your government? Some maybe, but Taiwanese can't. Imagine that those African country exploited by China government, imagine their fear that they don't have healthy fresh milk or poisonless food to feed their kids, if they know any info about it.

We will suffer from the evil if we let it grow under our nose, we will be in unimaginable pain if we lost our kids because some god damn importer imported tainted milk. Who to blame? In the end, it's you and I, the consumers. We decides what to buy, the cheapest, the manufacturer will justify that from whatever they can to make product with the lowest cost sources. Each and everyone of us will suffer in one form or another, now try to imagine that usual Chinese people trying to survive this under brainwashing news/medias.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." by Benjamin Franklin

A man lived through almost entire 18th century can say something that we still thrive to make this a common sense to the global. How do we survive this war over the economic control? Which 5% of the people on the Earth controls the life of the rest 95%? Do we ever really live freely? Do we fight for common value of life? Or do we just watch the unfortunate happen and then hope or pray it wouldn't happen to us?

Please stand up and speak our for the injustice that you see, take actions that you see fit, and fight for "every human being" instead of just yourself.

We humans, are just a second of existence for the entire Earth history. What we are will be ultimatly decided by what we do. I hope that, myself a normal human being, can be as brave as those who fight and give their lives to justice and liberty.

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