
Children, we are sorry! Please don't trace your way back here.

I cried, tears slowly tries to escape my eyelids,
when I read this article, I can't stop the emotional impact to reach the deepest place in my heart, as a human have wonderful life compare to theirs,
I cried, maybe one part of me is glad that I'm not a Chinese, but the part of being a human shares the sadness felt by this very author, who tells billions of Chinese parents' voice in their mind.

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Children, we are sorry!
You certainly shouldn't be the victim,
and school buildings should be the strongest in the world.
But I see by my own eyes,
your school collapse first,
where should be full with sound of joy and laugh,
are now endless wreckage.

Children, we are sorry,
you fell, how come those adult still standing shamelessly?
I hate myself, since I can't strengthen your school buildings,
If I have the right, Ill build your school as strong as government plaza, which stands firmly even during the earthquake.

(ren: ZF is a shortened phrase for "政府", which means government,
they do this in order to cheat the monitoring firewall of China.)

Children, we are sorry,
I can only give you my condolence silently,
use my tear to wipe the blood stain on your face,
sleep, children!
I hope there are pure cloud of happiness in heaven,
they will protect your soul, gone with the wind.

At 14:28, May 12, 2008. You just walked into classroom prepare to attend class,
but before you can even hear clearly the first English phrase from teacher, the building collapse in a sudden. Black, was all you can see. In this beautiful May, the season when flowers bloom, children, you were at the age like this poetry blooming season, you left this world, without the time to call Dad or Mom for the last time.

I still remember the day before this disaster, it's Mother's Day, your mother still greeted by your message, you said that you get really good score from the exam to Mom. But just one night past, it's like these never happened. Those strong fathers and kind mothers, they have to held each other, staggering along their way to school,
they use their shaky hands, use flashlight to search through each small bodies, in the cold windy night, your yet to grow body seems even weaker. Icing cold concrete plate smashed on your head, blood spread all over the wall bricks. Dad and Mom tries to identify one by one, before even see the face under plastic bag, Mom are so sure who wares the pink socks are their lovely daughter, since there are threads weaved by Mom. That boy in blue sport suit, was a key member of school basketball team, that one time smiled shiny face were penetrated by iron wires, he told his Mon Yao Ming is his idol.

Kids, you are cold, right? Let Mom put more papers under your body!
Children, you are afraid, right? Let Dad hold your hands once again!

You quietly lie on where once to be your playing ground, but you can't hear Mom's calling. Mom raise you carefully, hire teachers to teach piano and painting, but you were all yet to enjoy the world of prosperous, yet to suffer the noise and duties, you all left quietly.

300 ready to bloom flowers buried under the wreckage.
Children, may godspeed on your way to heaven!

Children, we are sorry!
Uncle can not kill all those corrupted, greedy and useless officials.....

I'm so angry, can't even eat at all.

If those greedy official are not punished,
how to comfort your soul?!

At that moment, how many kids yelled for Mom?
So sad...(sobbing...)

Why are those students died and injured?!
What kind of world is this?!

Children, we are sorry! Please don't come back here.
Please do not come back from the way you leave with your next life.

I can't say anything more!
I told my son these day most frequently: "Son, you must study hard, I'll do everything I could to send you to foreign country, Dad is old, I'm okay with this!"

Taiwanese have big difference from Chinese in their DNA

Source : AW's Blog: 台灣人在血統上大多有別於中國人

Dr. Mary Lin from Mackay Memorial Hospital, whose research "DNA structure of non-native Taiwanese" pointed out, 85% of Holorang and Hakkanin have native Taiwanese heritage. That means, most of Taiwanese heritage is constructed by DNA from native Taiwanese, China immigrants and some of them are from foreign countries(ren: particularly Netherlands).

Mary Lin's science research, totally turns the "Han centric history" upside down, which claims Taiwan island's population is constructed by dominant Han immigrants. For the purpose to take control of Taiwan, political leaders of China claims over and over, Taiwanese is Chinese, they are bound by blood. Those cheesy talking, serves the only purpose to link Taiwan to China. So they can sell the claims to global communities about "Taiwan is always a part of China in history".

But long before China claim "Taiwan is the same as other provinces of China, explored and settled by ethnic Chinese, who keeps the Chinese tradition and culture", Kuo Min Tang(KMT) in order to fraud the "Reclaim Taiwan" myth, also intentionally erase Taiwan's historical facts. KMT claims "Taiwan's history, you can put it as a history about Han's immigration/exploration/settlement. Bound by blood is the best description for the relationship of Taiwan and mainland China."

So, to make up claims like "Taiwan is a part of China", KMT and Chinese Communist Party(CCP) have same target. For recent years, more and more Taiwanese history professionals, from identified historical documents and artifacts, they recover the true history facts about Taiwan from a mess.
From those new researches, to construct the "picture" of Taiwan's past, shows that native Taiwanese have dominant position of Taiwan's development in history, this is totally different from the made up one from KMT and CCP.

Today, with the DNA research result, we can torn the made up history by KMT and CCP apart. Mary Lin says, Holorang and Hakkanin's DNA structure is complicate and from multiple sources, 85% have native Taiwanese heritage, 90% of them even have "Ueh" people heritage, who scatter around south east coast area of ancient China. From the heritage tree analysis, Ueh people is not the descendant of pure northern Han people, they are more close to south east Asia people.

From DNA and history research, you can see that Taiwanese have multiple heritages, starting from more 10,000 years ago, when different native people comes from south east Asia. From past to today, there are continuously new immigrants from different people, most of them are new immigrants, and most of them also affect each other people from marriage, language, tradition, culture and value, which forms the population as of now.
We still have this process undergoing as from thousand of years' past, we believe that trend will continue to prosper in this open minded society of Taiwan.

Now, most of Taiwanese are different from Chinese even in heritage. In the past, KMT ruling period, they suppress local cultures, alter Taiwan history, with brainwashing education, Taiwanese wrongly thinks they are Chinese. Fortunately, with the government switch to the local party(DPP), which restores history facts, enhance the local related education, these ridiculous affects are slowly changed. From recent years, the percentage keeps raising for people who think they are Taiwanese, and on the other hand, the percentage keeps going down for people who thinks they are Chinese. (ren: I'm the victim of this kind of education, I know more Chinese history than Taiwanese history, I know nothing about past famous Taiwan remarkable people. Even to my senior high school, Taiwan is not my country, it's just the base for preparing and taking back mainland China.)

Let's look back, in history, Taiwan island can be called a huge mixing pot, it led those who eager to live a freedom and prosperous life to come here for the dream they cannot realize in their homeland, they want to build a country of happiness for the future generations.

To be honest, this deeply rooted spiritual DNA in our blood, is sufficient to encourage Taiwanese to resist any foreign ruling or threat from China, to break through different challenges, then work together toward a "Sovereignty Belongs to the People", a regularized country.

The path for Taiwan to become a independent country is more or less like America formed by immigrants. American forefathers heads toward a new and independent country when they arrived North America. Accordingly, these challenges and history also happen to our ancestors when they first stepped on Taiwan, they travel across ocean, step by step, form the very ground to make Taiwan a nation, we must take our responsibilities to protect our homeland, we shall not against/forget the will of our forefathers dream to settle here, away from tyranny, certainly not to be taken by China.

Source: Liberty Times 2007/11/21 Wednesday

85% of Holorang and Hakkanin have native Taiwanese heritage

According to Mackay Memorial Hospital's Blood Transfer Medical Reseach Studio, manager Mary Lin's research "DNA structure of non-native Taiwanese", in Taiwan, even if there are only 1.5% of pure natives, but actually 85% of those Holorang, Hakkanin have native heritage( including tribes on mountains, tribes on plains, and from Philippine, Indonesia, and so on south east island group's people.

Mary Lin says, the conclusion of the research is, 85% of Holorang and Hakkanin have native Taiwanese heritage. That means, most of Taiwanese heritage is constructed by DNA from native Taiwanese, China immigrants and some of them are from foreign countries(ren: particularly Netherlands).

For example provide by Mary Lin, the political leader for Taiwan independence Ming-Min Pong's father has native heritage, but his mother has northern Asia heritage, along with Hakka blood, it really obvious that many Taiwanese have already gone through mixture of different people.

More then 90% have Ueh's heritage

Mary Lin emphasized, Holorang and Hakkanin's DNA structure is complicate and from multiple sources, 85% have native Taiwanese heritage, 90% of them even have "Ueh" people heritage, who scatter around south east coast area of ancient China. From the heritage tree analysis, Ueh people is not the descendant of pure northern Han people, they are more close to south east Asia people. Mary Lin explained, "The way in Fukien is harder than the way in Szechwan", in Fukien area is full of mountains, it's harder to travel toward inner land, so they depend on ocean passages for trasportation, thus they have more frequent interaction with Taiwan and south east Asia islands.

Currently the heritage ratio of our different people in Taiwan: Holorang takes 73.5%, Hakkanin 17.5%, those who fled from mainland China after 1945 have 5%, and native Taiwanese is 1.5%. In this research defines, the so called "non native Taiwanese", is the total of 91% Holorang, Hakkanin people.

Mary Lin point out, the research group ask for volunteer blood sample provider through recent years, the first stage is to sample blood and analysis 100 people's DNA, including 58 male and 42 female, in which 67% of their father/mother's heritage comparison, is identified to both have native Taiwanese DNA. And, 18% when gone through HLA analysis, found to have native Taiwanese DNA, thus the total of 85%.

Native Taiwanese comes from south east Asia

From Mary Lin's analysis, native Taiwanese have isolated for thousands of years in Taiwan, so they form a similar and consistent DNA structure. Holorang and Hakkanin have gone through long term marriage between different people, is formed by multiple heritages, thus the DNA structure is complicate and have some difference between these two group.

Worthwhile, native Taiwanese and south east Asia island group( Indonesia, Philippine) natives are really close in their heritage, it's hard to tell the difference. The research also shows native Taiwanese have migrate from south east Asia island more than ten thousand years ago continuously and there is a clue that they might migrate both ways.

Professionals: Heritage helped to discover the migration process

This research is going to send for participate the human gene conference held in Philippine. Mary Lin hope to finish 200 blood sample's statistical analysis, she sets a future goal of 300 people. For those who are willing to provide blood samples, they can contact Miss Lu of Mackay Memorial Hospital in DanShuei.

To this research result, Hospital of National Taiwan University gene medical department doctor I-Ning Su thinks "it's an interesting and reasonable discovery", and help to solve the mystery about dominant gene and human migration process.

Source: Liberty Times ( Life ) 2007/11/18 Sunday

What can I do for Taiwan?

For a very long time, I've always been an observer.
Although I'm fortunate enough to participate the 2000/2004 president elections and several others, but I never felt lost or impotent as of now.

As I'm becoming a Canadian permanent resident, what can I contribute to the change and impact that Taiwan is going to challenge? For these days watching DaWha political discussion program, I slowly but deeply realized that, for they alone, is not enough. A human being, speaks for and from it's own conscious, they support and keep their belief, they hold on to their principles. More important is, even facing harsh environment and condition, we still need to keep what makes us human, that is a freedom and independent mind.

So to speak out for myself, as speak out for Taiwanese to all the foreign people.
I hereby commit myself on my spare time, to translate many of those great articles and political theories about Taiwan into English. I'll keep my article have both languages written as to magnified the possibilities that search engine or from other resources can reach these articles.

By doing so, that I hope, can being one part of the voices for Taiwan in this huge world but small existence of Earth in this universe, that I can say something for my own people, who desperate to have their own independent country.

For a non-native English speaker, I might make mistakes in my articles, so feel free to leave a message and suggest how to correct it.