
Taiwan, is it going to be sunk by China, or be the vanguard for independence of Tibet, East Turkestan

As you all know, the envoy of China formally arrived Taiwan yesterday on Nov 3rd. And watching those videos about police violate human right for pull/drag people out of their position, lawful and public space, not to mention those other event including take away ROC national flag, steal/rob their home made banners with police in superior numbers. All of these makes me wonder is Taiwan going to be sunk by China?

The future is still unknown, it all depends on how Taiwanese going to do, either with in the law, or maybe Taiwanese needs to break some that already against their rights. I asked myself, when do I want to obey and follow the instruction of police? These should be under the principle that I know the police or law is used to protect me, not against me.

Yes, Taiwan is in it's most chaotic period, everyone is in his/her blink of thought to decide to pick a side, either succumb to the authoritarian or fight for their own liberty and freedom. We should make an example that people is where the government gains it's power. People should not afraid their government, the government should afraid their people.

Tibetans and East Turkestans are looking upon us, Taiwanese should be brave now, or you will need to give more lives in order to earn your liberty back. I saw some Tibetans protest and get unlawful treatment as well, may God(whoever they believe) bless them. Although I don't have religion specifically, but I do believe one thing, that is , there is a fight of values that lasts thousands of years in human civilization, different values like democracy, communist, liberty, slavery, all fighting for their survival, sometimes they cooperate with each other, sometimes they fight each other, but in the end, it channels through human beings. And there is one thing we all have, that is free will, the one thing nothing, I really mean NOTHING can alter your free will unless you are willing to do such.

So it's your free will to behave within the laws, and it's also your free will to try breaking it and make the government know the law is wrong, heck, even the constitution can be changed if majority agrees with the changes.

In a free and open society, we vote and argue for different ideas, in the darkest hour of any human history events, we defend our values with our lives and souls.

May the liberty God bless Taiwan, and I wish all Taiwanese have the courage to fight the injustice and fight for their and their descendants' right to live freely.